Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Eco-Friendly Fireworks Offer Safer Pyrotechnics

clipped from
Fireworks are fun, exciting and often free to watch, but there may be a hidden cost: The flashing displays can harm the environment and pose risks to human health
scientists are working on a new generation of kinder, gentler pyrotechnics. While still explosive and dramatic, these fireworks produce less smoke and use fewer toxic metals that end up in soil and groundwater
Eco-friendly fireworks are more expensive than the regular kind
But the research should be welcome news for people who operate or watch fireworks on a regular basis
Everyone at or downwind of a pyrotechnic display is getting subjected to levels of these metals that aren't natural levels
Whether that really is going to cause health effects is up for debate
Disneyland provided the initial impetus for Chavez's group to start investigating cleaner burning fireworks
as the theme park put on spectacular fireworks displays, neighbors began to complain about smoke that was enveloping their homes and irritating their lungs

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