Monday, April 14, 2008

Apollo 11 Fake Footage Revealed

clipped from

Apollo 11 Astronauts Faking Footage

Previously classified video shows astronauts of Apollo 11 using trick photography to fake their voyage to moon. They stayed in earth orbit and used circular window in hatch to fake an image of earth as it should appear from long distance. Camera is on opposite side of capsule, blocked out all ambient light, interior of capsule pitch black, not visible. Zoomed in on window to appear like image of entire earth long distance. Closed iris on camera to block VERY intense light of earth right outside. Notice, later parts of video show interior shots of capsule and earth still brightly visible outside every window that camera pans across. On voyage to moon, nose cone should point at moon, not earth!! This window should have NO VIEW of earth on way to moon. Earth also visibly outside windows on later missions, like Apollo 13 when they are supposedly orbiting moon, earth is still outside window.
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